Page 15 - Roswell Chamber of Commerce - February 2018
P. 15

first time you see it? Not very often,   by ads at this time, and for your   patient with your
        right?                               product to stand out, it needs to   results, your brand will
                                             be seen multiple times. Booking     grow, and your sales will
         Multiple advertisements are
                                             a frequency or multiple-month       increase. Just remember these
        required to catch a consumer’s
                                             campaign is the best way to do      three key elements of successful
                                             that. Not only will you increase    advertising when planning your
        Think of it this way: the first time a   your chances of being seen and   next campaign.
        shopper sees your advertisement,     recognized by shoppers, but you’ll
        he probably won’t notice it. The     also typically receive a discount on
        second time he sees it, he will likely   your advertising when you book a   Remember, The Chamber Is Here
        stop and glance over the ad. Maybe   frequency. Think of it like buying   For You!
        he’ll read the headline and make     in bulk — you save money from
        a note about doing a little more     booking multiple ads at once, and
        research into your product or brand.  you are exponentially more likely to   Stay Social!
                                             see a bigger ROI at the end.
        The third exposure is where the
        magic happens. By now, the shopper                                       Hobbit
        has seen your brand or product               Patience                    Source:
        before. He is interested, he has     Advertising requires immense
        made a mental note about what        amounts of patience. Even if you’re
        you’re selling, and he wants to      consistent with your brand and
        check it out. When he sees your ad   run multiple ads, you are still not
        for the third time, he’ll remember   going to see results overnight. It
        the interest he once had in your     takes time for consumers to make a
        product, and he will take action.    purchase. Remember, you’re asking
        At this point, he will either go     them to part with their money. It’ll
        to your website, check out your      take time for shoppers to realize
        social media, or pick up the phone   your product is something they
        and call. Now it’s your job to seal   can’t live without. Trust us, they will
        the deal. Make sure your website     eventually realize this. It just may
        is optimized, visually appealing     not happen instantly.
        and easy to navigate. Your social
        media needs to be up-to-date, and    If you stay consistent with it
        you should have a current phone      and don’t give up after one
        number or email address listed on    advertisement, there’s no doubt
        your website. Even if you run 100    you will reap the benefits of
        advertisements per month, ads can    advertising. If advertising didn’t
        only get you so far. You need to     work, global brands like Nike,
        make sure the rest of your business   Apple and Microsoft wouldn’t
        is just as great as your advertising   continually run campaigns. But they
        campaign.                            do. Because advertising does work.
                                             Just remember, all good things take
        There’s a lot that goes into         time, and advertising is no different.
        successful advertising, but          However, if you commit to designing
        frequency is by far the most         a consistent and visually-appealing
        important factor. With the holiday   ad, book a frequency that will allow
        season approaching, it’s especially   shoppers to be exposed to your
        important. Shoppers are bombarded    product multiple times, and remain

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